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Study in Spain Study in Spain

The benefits of studying in a school accredited by the Cervantes Institute

Cervantes Institute's system of accreditation guideline © Instituto Cervantes

The benefits of studying in a school accredited by the Cervantes Institute

Cervantes Institute's system of accreditation guideline

Cervantes Institute's system of accreditation website © Instituto Cervantes

The benefits of studying in a school accredited by the Cervantes Institute

Cervantes Institute's system of accreditation website

If you've decided to study Spanish, one of your best options is to choose a school accredited by the Cervantes Institute. This will ensure that it complies with all the legal requirements for teaching, and can prepare its students for the exams for the various Diplomas in Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE) –either in the school itself or in the examining centres in the area. In other words, it couldn't be easier.

If you decide to learn Spanish in one of these schools you'll be assured of the services of a team of qualified teachers who will guide you throughout your course of studies, and who will adapt to your needs and respond to your queries. All these schools carry out assessments of their syllabuses and programmes. They have fully-equipped classrooms, provide detailed information on their services, and value the opinions of their users.

We describe the process that enables these schools to achieve their guarantee of quality, as they are accredited by an official national institution of recognised prestige.

What is the Cervantes Institute's system of accreditation for Spanish language schools?

It is the only quality accreditation for Spanish language teaching with an international scope, and consists of a system of conditions, requirements and indicators that must be met by schools engaged in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (ELE).

This is a means of ensuring high standards of quality in Spanish language teaching both in Spain and abroad, a uniform system of language learning at each level, and guaranteeing the complementary services and activities offered by each centre.

How does a school obtain accreditation from the Cervantes Institute?

Schools wishing to opt for accreditation undergo an exhaustive assessment of their academic programme, teaching standards, facilities and equipment, their administrative organisation and their information and advertising.

What's more, for a school to maintain its accreditation it must go through regular assessments (every three years) to certify that it continues to meet all the conditions.

How does the public know whether a school is accredited by the Cervantes Institute?

The designation “Accredited School” (in Spain) and “Associate School” (outside Spain) from the Cervantes Institute can only be used by schools who have been accredited by the Cervantes Institute.

You'll find a list of the Accredited Centres and Associate Centres at the following links:

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