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Clase de Geografía en la Universidad de Girona
Study in Spain Study in Spain

Salamanca: the beauty of knowledge

Façade of the University of Salamanca © Turespaña

Salamanca: the beauty of knowledge

Façade of the University of Salamanca

University city par excellence, birthplace of the first book of Castilian grammar, with an ensemble of monuments that have been awarded the World Heritage designation... Salamanca is the living embodiment of art and culture.

Salamanca has always been known as the city of thought and culture, and its history and heritage fully justify this title. 
It is home to an outstanding artistic legacy which is practically unrivalled. It is well worth taking some time to stroll unhurriedly around the city and to discover its wealth of monuments.
A good place to start is the famous Plaza Mayor square. This beautiful and grandiose Baroque square is –now, in the past and always– the "soul" of Salamanca. It is a meeting place for locals and visitors alike, and a space fore everything under the sun: shopping, strolling, eating and listening to music. Take your time to enjoy the square, and then head for its gates, which will take you to the most interesting buildings in the area.
Among these, mention should be made of the stunning Clerecía building, whose cloister has been called "one of the most complete Baroque creations of all time". Directly opposite you'll see the Casa de las Conchas, a building decorated with more than 300 stone shells. Before passing through to its beautiful courtyard containing a combination of mediaeval, Mudéjar and Renaissance elements, have a good look at the window grilles –they are an excellent example of Spanish Gothic wrought ironwork.
Very close by stands another architectural gem, the University. The University of Salamanca is considered the oldest of the current Hispanic Universities. Its Plateresque façade is pure stone filigree, but this is not the only surprise in store; its library, courtyard, staircase, and the university building known as the "Escuelas Mayores" and "Escuelas Menores" are truly splendid.
Beside them is the Plaza de Anaya square, and on the other side you'll come to Salamanca's Cathedrals. The magnificent ensemble comprising the New and Old Cathedrals is an opportunity to see a huge variety of artistic styles, and a visit to the "Ieronimus" exhibition will allow you to explore the inside of its medieval towers, learn more about its history and look out over the city from the rooftop. The Convents of Las Dueñas and Las Úrsulas, the church of San Esteban, the Monterrey Palace…
There are numerous monuments in Salamanca that are well worth a visit.

And also…