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Clase de Geografía en la Universidad de Girona
Study in Spain Study in Spain

SIELE: International Spanish Language Evaluation Service

SIELE: International Spanish Language Evaluation Service

SIELE: International Spanish Language Evaluation Service

A diploma specially geared to your needs that will make your stay in Spain even easier.

If you're aged over 17 and you wish to accredit your knowledge of Spanish –either in general or in specific skill areas (reading and listening comprehension, oral and written expression)– you can do so by means of the SIELE certificate. It's fast and easy to arrange, and will serve to demonstrate that you master the different linguistic varieties of a language shared with over 400 million people around the world.

What is SIELE?

The International Spanish Language Evaluation Service (SIELE) is a certificate of knowledge of Spanish promoted by the Cervantes Institute (IC), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Salamanca University (USAL). It is managed by Telefónica Digital Education.

The SIELE has a validity of two years and is internationally recognised by the higher education institutions in the International Certification System for Spanish as a Foreign Language (SICELE). The different varieties of Spanish are covered in all the exams.

For more information visit the portal

How many SIELE exams are there?

A candidate can take the whole exam in one sitting or in partial instalments. After passing the whole exam, a certificate is issued based on a scale of points with equivalence to levels A1-C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The tasks involved in the exams also take the Curricular Plan of the Cervantes Institute (PCIC) as a reference.

In the partial instalment option, candidates can opt to test their mastery of Spanish in only certain skills, choosing from several possible combinations:

• Reading comprehension (CL) + Listening comprehension (CA)

• Reading comprehension (CL) + Written expression and interaction (EIE)

• Listening comprehension (CA) + Oral expression and interaction (EIO)

• Oral expression and interaction (EIO)

With this option, the candidate receives a report which includes an assessment for each exam associated to the levels in the CEFR.

Both the certificate and the report include an explanation of the candidate's abilities in each skill.

Who can take the exams?

Young people aged 17 and over and adults who wish to accredit their knowledge of Spanish, regardless of whether Spanish is a foreign or second language, or even their mother tongue.

Where and when are the exams held?

The examinations take place electronically and by prior appointment in authorised examination centres. They will invigilate the candidates and provide the necessary IT resources.

SIELE test centre network

You can find the contact data for the SIELE test centres at

Is it necessary to follow a special course before you can take the exam?

There is no need to take any specific courses to take the SIELE exams.

When do candidates receive their diploma?

The certificate or report will be available within a maximum period of three weeks. Reading comprehension (CL) and Listening comprehension (CA)  will be marked immediately, unlike the Written expression and interaction (EIE) and Oral expression and interaction (EIO) tests, as these must be assessed by experts.


A diploma specially geared to your needs that will make your stay in Spain even easier.

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