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Alumnos trabajando con ordenadores en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona © Jordi Pareto
Study in Spain Study in Spain

Industrial heritage near Barcelona

Wineries © Turespaña

Industrial heritage near Barcelona


Try a different type of itinerary in the province of Barcelona and discover its rich industrial heritage. From old factories and prehistoric mines transformed into museums, to companies that organise activities related to wine and cava. There are about a hundred industrial centres and museums that offer guided tours.

This option is a way to learn all about various aspects of the development of this region since the start of the Industrial Revolution. Some of the routes on offer are highly recommended, such as the itinerary which enables visitors to explore Industrial Modernism with all five senses in Terrassa.
You'll be able to experience what it was like to be a worker or a middle-class person of the time by visiting several spaces in the city, and to discover more about Modernism through experiments and games.
You can also visit the Riutort Petrol Museum (where in some parts the black gold still seeps from the walls), the Cers Mining Museum (where a train penetrates 450 metres deep into a gallery), the Igualada and Comarcal de l'Anoia Leather Museum (which organises a dramatised visit once a month), the Güell Colony (an industrial colony that remains operative today and has been awarded the World Heritage designation), or the Catalonia Circuit (where you'll learn about the sport of motor racing and visit the paddock which every year sees the likes of champions such as Fernando Alonso or Jorge Lorenzo).

Things to remember
You can see a list of the industrial museums, centres and activities that are available on the Barcelona Tourist Board website.
Advance booking is often required.