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Geography class at Girona University
Study in Spain Study in Spain

International Campuses of Excellence (ICE) in central Spain

Unviersidad Autónoma de Marid © Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

International Campuses of Excellence (ICE) in central Spain

Madrid Region (4 ICE with a global scope)

Campus Moncloa: The energy of diversity (formed by the Madrid Complutense University and the Madrid Polytechnic University. Stamp awarded in the ICE-2009 session)

It defines itself as a “sustainable, healthy and socially responsible campus”, and in addition to the two sponsor universities, it includes centres in different institutions dedicated to research.

The Moncloa Campus is home to over 10,000 researchers, generates 10% of Spain's scientific output, and fosters synergies in the area of higher education, research, and innovation and in areas with social and cultural impact.

They have outlined five main themes: global change and new energies, materials for the future, agriculture and food and health, innovative medicine and heritage, and actions such as the international talent recruitment programme, the international campus postgraduate school, and the international campus doctorate school.

Campus Carlos III (formed by the Carlos III University in Madrid. Stamp awarded in the ICE-2009 session)

Students deciding to study at this campus will find its objectives include the promotion of postgraduate studies, a commitment to expanding the university's residential offer, an increased research capacity and the goal of becoming a sustainable interurban campus.
Its associated bodies include major institutions and corporations such as Banco Santander, Telefónica, the Cervantes Institute and the Higher Council of Scientific Research (CSIC).

UAM-CSIC International Campus of Excellence (formed by the Madrid Autónoma University. Stamp awarded in the ICE-2009 session)
The UAM+CSIC International Campus of Excellence represents the combined endeavours of the Madrid Autónoma University (one of the leading research universities in Spain) and the Higher Council of Scientific Research. It also includes the Madrid Science Park, the IMDEA institutes, city councils and companies.
The objective of this campus is not only to become a leading Spanish campus in 2015, but also to further its integration in the area, in order to spearhead cultural, economic and social development in the north of Madrid.

CEI Montegancedo I2Tech (Madrid Polytechnic University). Stamp awarded in the ICE-2010 session
The Montegancedo Campus of the Madrid Polytechnic University is located in the municipal district of Pozuelo de Alarcón, in an area of 480,000 square metres, near the Cuenca Alta del Manzanares nature are.
The strength of this campus lies in its specialisation in international ICT-based innovation. The aim of the Madrid Polytechnic University is for Montegancedo to become a living lab, comprising a support centre for technological innovation (CAIT) as a means of promoting the enhancement of its research results.
This campus also encourages postgraduate and doctoral activities and collaboration with the industrial sector.