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Alumnos en el campus de la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
Study in Spain Study in Spain

New Year’s Eve

Puerta del Sol Square, Madrid © Turespaña

New Year’s Eve

Puerta del Sol Square, Madrid

One of the most important celebrations of the Christmas period is New Year’s Eve – a special dinner where the last night of the year usually becomes one big party.

As the clock strikes twelve, signalling the arrival of the New Year, families in Spain come together to eat 12 lucky grapes. Tradition has it that those who manage to eat the grapes, keeping time with the striking clock, will have 12 prosperous months the following year. The tradition dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. People also celebrate out in the street, at specific locations such as squares and Town Halls – the important thing is that there is a clock. Madrid’s Puerta del Sol Square is one of the busiest places to be at this time of year.

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From  31/12/2015  to  31/12/2015

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