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Clase de Geografía en la Universidad de Girona
Study in Spain Study in Spain

Natural Cider Festival

Cider server. Natural Cider Festival. Gijón © Principado de Asturias

Natural Cider Festival

Cider server. Natural Cider Festival. Gijón

This festival in the city of Gijón (Asturias ) is a genuine homage to cider, the typical drink of this area.

One of the culminating moments of the festivities is when thousands of people come together on the beach. 30,000 litres of cider and 10,000 glasses bearing the festival logo are given out, and a photo is taken to commemorate the mass gathering. There are numerous other activities for visitors to enjoy: a traditional cider-pouring contest in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento square and a cider and apple market.

General information

To be confirmed   2015
-. Gastronomía
International Tourist Interest

Contact details

 Gijón.  Asturias.