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Clase de Geografía en la Universidad de Girona
Study in Spain Study in Spain

Easter Week in Ferrol

Members of the religious brotherhoods marching in procession through the streets of Ferrol, A Coruña © Turgalicia

Easter Week in Ferrol

Members of the religious brotherhoods marching in procession through the streets of Ferrol, A Coruña

Holy Week in Ferrol

Processions with maritime spirit.

The Easter week celebrations in Ferrol are some of the most spectacular in northern Spain. The town’s maritime and military tradition gives this celebration a unique atmosphere, commemorating the passion and death of Jesus Christ. The event has a sober beauty and is spectacular on account of the vivid colours worn by the members of the different hermandades (brotherhoods/religious associations), as they walk in procession through the streets, carrying statues of the saints, known as pasos, to the rhythm of drums and music bands. Of the most popular, special mention should be made of the Caladiños (one of Ferrol’s oldest pasos), the Santo Encuentro and the Good Friday processions.

General information

From  20/03/2016  to  26/03/2016
International Tourist Interest

Contact details

 Ferrol.  A Coruña.  (Galicia).  

