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Clase de Geografía en la Universidad de Girona
Study in Spain Study in Spain

Battle of the flowers in Laredo

Carriage. Battle of the flowers in Laredo. Cantabria © Turespaña

Battle of the flowers in Laredo

Carriage. Battle of the flowers in Laredo. Cantabria

The streets of the town of Laredo in Cantabria are filled with an abundance of fresh flowers during this popular festival, which is held each year on the last Friday in August.

The high point of the celebration comes at about 5:30 in the afternoon, when the parade of floats adorned with fresh flowers sets off through the streets of Laredo. However people have been busy decorating the carts since the night before, and the town is already caught up in the festival atmosphere. In addition to the parade there are also a range of street markets and musical performances, until finally the jury chooses the best float of the year, after which the festivities continue until nightfall when they end with a spectacular fireworks display.

General information

From  28/08/2015  to  28/08/2015
National Tourist Interest

Contact details

 39770,  Laredo.  Cantabria.  

