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Student residence. Zaragoza.

Search results: 4

Pilar Fiestas. Zaragoza.

Pilar Fiestas. Zaragoza.

… In October, Zaragoza celebrates the Pilar Fiestas. These are the main annual fiestas in the regional capital of Aragon, characterised by a broad range of activities that fill the streets with fun, colour and entertainment for a week at the least. The programme brings together theatre performances, c…

Festivity | Zaragoza

El Cipotegato. Tarazona. (Zaragoza). Aug 27,2015. Popular.

El Cipotegato. Tarazona. (Zaragoza). Aug 27,2015. Popular.

… Festive tradition in the town of Tarazona , in Zaragoza (Aragon ) featuring the main character, known as the Cipotegato (a jester), and the tomatoes with which he is pelted as he runs through the streets. The Cipotegato is the star of these festivities in Tarazona, and every 27 August, starting at n…

Festivity | Zaragoza

Easter week in Zaragoza. Zaragoza. Mar 20,2016. Religión.

Easter week in Zaragoza. Zaragoza. Mar 20,2016. Religión.

… The sound of drums is one of the most impressive elements of this fiesta. The Easter week celebrations in Zaragoza date back to the 18th century. The celebration attracts more than 100,000 visitors every year. More than 15,000 people from 24 Easter brotherhoods take part in the processions. The thun…

Festivity | Zaragoza

Re-enactment of the Siege of Zaragoza. Zaragoza. Popular.

Re-enactment of the Siege of Zaragoza. Zaragoza. Popular.

… Battles, parades and acts of homage set in the Napoleonic era. The re-enactment of the Siege of Zaragoza is an accurate reproduction of the two attacks on the city by the Napoleonic troops between 1808 and 1809. Over several days, visitors can see re-enactments of battles, military parades and acts …

Festivity | Zaragoza