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Student residence. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Search results: 5

Carnival festivities in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Carnival festivities in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

… Every year, crowds of people come to experience this fiesta where everything is allowed and you have only one obligation: to have fun. Rhythm, colour, flamboyance, luxury and of course the most brilliant spectacle. The Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival is the most “Brazilian” of all the Spanish carniv…

Festivity | Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Corpus Christi in San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife). San Cristóbal de la Laguna. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Religión.

Corpus Christi in San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife). San Cristóbal de la Laguna. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Religión.

… This is one of the oldest religious festivals to take place on the island of Tenerife, when the streets of San Cristóbal de la Laguna are carpeted with flowers. The celebration is also known as the 'flower festival', as the citizens decorate the streets with carpets made out of petals, shrubs, plant…

Festivity | Santa Cruz de Tenerife

San Benito Abad Pilgrimage. San Cristóbal de la Laguna. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Jul 12,2015. Popular. Religión.

San Benito Abad Pilgrimage. San Cristóbal de la Laguna. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Jul 12,2015. Popular. Religión.

… This is one of the most traditional, deep-rooted fiestas of the Canary Islands . The San Benito Abad Pilgrimage is the most emblematic of its kind held in the Canaries. Its origins go back to a ceremony of thanks made to the saint by farmers for their summer harvest. Many people now take part in the…

Festivity | Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Corpus Christi and Pilgrimage of San Isidro. Orotava, La. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife).

Corpus Christi and Pilgrimage of San Isidro. Orotava, La. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife).

… This festival dates from the 19th century. The most solemn act is the creation of carpets of natural flowers throughout the streets of the historic centre. The Pilgrimage consists of a procession of believers who carry aloft the figures of the patron saints of the town, San Isidro and Santa María de…

Festivity | Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Crosses and Fires of May. Realejos, Los. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Popular.

Crosses and Fires of May. Realejos, Los. (Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Popular.

… The May festivities in Los Realejos combine popular tradition and spectacular fireworks displays. The streets and homes in the Cruz Santa district are bedecked with makeshift chapels containing crosses and altars, or “enrames”, where the locals apply all their skill to select the flowers to be used …

Festivity | Santa Cruz de Tenerife